Foliar applications of micro-doses of sucrose to reduce codling moth Cydia Pomonella (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) damages on apple tree

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BACKGROUND: The effects of foliar applications of micro-doses of sucrose to reduce the damages of the codling moth have been reported from trials carried in France, and Algeria. We tested applications of low doses of sucrose (0.01%) in nine commercial orchards from 2009 to 2014 in Algeria and in France. The activities of sucrose alone were assessed by comparison with untreated controls and trees treated with the granulovirus or a chemical insecticide. The addition of sucrose in foliar applications to these different treatments was also investigated. RESULTS: The application of sucrose at 0.01% reduced the means of infested fruits . Royal Gala and Golden Delicious cultivars reacted in the same way to the resistance induction. The mean Abbott efficacy was 41.0±10.0 %. In integrated fruit production the most efficient treatment combination was sucrose added to the thiacloprid (Abbott efficacy = 77.9±10.6%). The addition of sucrose to thiacloprid improved its efficacy (59.5 % ±12.8) up to 18.4%. The thiacloprid alone had similar effects on reduction of damages as the CpGV (Cydia pomonella granulovirusis) alone, or added with sucrose. CONCLUSION: Foliar applications of micro-doses of sucrose every twenty days in commercial orchards can protect partially against the codling moth. No relationship was observed between the infestation pressure and the sucrose efficacy. Its addition to thiachloprid increases the efficacy in integrated control strategies. This work opens a route for the development of strategies using the new concept of “sweet immunity” inducing and for the use of new criteria for plant breeding.

  • Dates
    Created on August 22, 2016
  • Author(s)
    Ingrid Arnault, Nadia Lombarkia, Sophie-Joy Ondet, Lionel Romet, Jacques Auger, Imene Brahim, Rahma Meradi, Ardjouna Nasri and Sylvie Derridj.  
  • References
    Pest Management Science 2016, 72, 1901-1909